Friday, November 11, 2016

Riding Lesson, Good News and Asking for Jingles!

No new bit yet (Holiday mucked up the shipping).

But we had our first lesson in months. Started out as a butt, but in the end he was really really good.

Trainer agreed that it's not his head we're concerned about with steering/stopping, but that he's blocking the contact with his poll, neck, and shoulders. Go figure.

Additionally a bit of news, the original boarding place I had been at is accepting Ashe back :) He's the only boarder they're agreeing to take back but I'm best pleased as it means I'll have an indoor for the winter! Woohoo!

Asking for Jingles because my trainer may have found a farm to buy! Which means I'll actually be able to board and ride with all my barn buddies instead of paying for trailering every time I want! Woohoo too!

No news on the migraines/vertigo. Been having jaw ache and ear issues the past three days even on the prednisone and nasonex so that combination is a no go. Back to the drawing board for the ENT and allergist.

Proof we jumped a single bucket! Excuse the loose rein, trot + wide reining it

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Migraines, Riding and .... Bits

So pretty much since the XC outing I've been grounded. As in, can't ride due to the migraines I've been having. Plus I had a week of 12 hour days at work (stupid health benefit changes in HR)

ENT doctor says there is nothing wrong to indicate why I might be having it other than some inflammation. Says I should def go with the allergist's plan for allergy shots (my budget is crying already).

That said, we DID get out for the halloween fun show at my trainers:

Bucket Roulette: Leaping buckets like they're 2'3 - We got to 1 bucket!

At the show I noticed he's starting to exhibit the same signs he did with the rubber mullens we were using early on before moving to the KK Ultra (gaping mouth, blocking shoulder/neck, steam training, refusing to take up contact). I had been meaning to do more research into bits for a while now since the dentist mentioned that he has a very small sensitive mouth.

Realized he has a VERY thick tongue and almost no curve to his palate. *sigh* So while the KK Ultra has been good (and he's really good on a looser rein with it) it might be the reason we've keep hitting a brick wall with steady contact and evasion on his side.

So I made a leap and am going to try the wide barrel comfort snaffle in eggbutt from Myler (I'd go D-ring but they are HUGE on his tiny nose). Trainer approves the attempt. Should be shipping shortly, fingers crossed!

Thankfully the migraines seems to have settled as allergies have died down and I have a two week vacation coming up so perfect time to try it out! Fingers crossed!