Monday, February 17, 2014

Shifting of Weight Aids

As I had posted before, I have been trying to be extremely aware of my weight aids during riding especially during lateral aids. We've been working on it, and it's most likely going to get worse before it gets better.

That said, this past Sunday I had my lesson and instead of flat and lateral work, we decided to do a steady warmup of w/t/c and then just immediately start jumping. Ashe was raring to go, trotting off on his own as soon as my butt was in the saddle (which we promptly woahed and stood for a good minute much to his frustration). Thankfully he just gets full of energy and not ridiculous airs like some horses get when they are stuck inside due to the weather.

However this also meant that there was no trying to get him to focus on flat work with dozens of circles and leg yields in an attempt to get him to bend properly... unless I wanted a full blown fight on my hands.

My trainer utilized my new set up and worked out a gymnastic that would get us working on steering, weight aids, and jumping all in one. It was difficult, but in the end we got it perfect and I think he and I are going to work on it a lot in the coming months, both trot to canter as well as full canter over poles.

Here's a little video of us :) Please excuse the giant jacket on my tiny frame. It's COLD.

Here's to hoping for an early spring!

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